Not finding faith. Believing in faith

I have listened to Mark and read his book. I did hope and want this divine intervention to come fast. Heard him on youtube again. To paraphrase:) God works in his own time. I like that Mark says pray on it. Lets all pray on it. Lets all pray together:)

A Voice

I’m glad to hear that there are true believer’s that are standing up for righteousness. May the glory of God be revealed through the prayers of the saints. Amen. Your Sister in Christ!!

God answered

Joe Pettegrew took test and first interview for Border Patrol and all is well. now he just has to go to the next phase of a polygraph and what ever else they ask. Praise God


Prayer went up for Joe who wanted direction in service to be a Border Patrol Officer. I just got word he passed his Physical and now his Interview date is set for Sept. 12,2019 in San Diego, CA. Praise God.

God is moving

We prayed for Joe to have direction who was interested in looking into enter service as Border Patrol. He passed his test and is due for an Interview Sept. 23. Is open to relocate to Texas or NM. But he was called and scored high on exam.

Prayer for Daniel

A prayer request was submitted for Daniel who has been in prison 20 years. Is a single father with four children . He went in as a young man and is coming out at the age of 40. Received a letter from him recently and states he is due to be released Sept. 18th and is...