Marc Urbach for Governor!

Marc Urbach for Governor!
This is your campaign! “we the people of Georgia”
Christians of Georgia; put on your breastplate and act!!
With God fearing, God loving mothers, fathers and children, we will succeed!
Do you believe in safety in our schools?
Do you believe in getting God and the Bible back into our schools?
Do you believe in Common Sense principles for Georgia?
Do you believe in Love & Respect for your fellow neighbor?
Do you want Georgia and America restored?
Well then, Team Urbach does too, and together we will win to absolute victory!!
Not for Marc, but for “we the people of Georgia.”—The Constitution of Georgia
Marc has been a Statesman candidate for 8 months and this is the first time he has asked for a donation.
He must raise the required $ 4,112.10 by next Thursday, March 8. Please pray to God
and make a donation to this great cause for Freedom!! Please go to Marc’s website;
Phone # 404-388-7471. Email: [email protected]
Thank you and May God continue to Bless you & your family, Love, Marc.
God Bless,
Marc Alan Urbach
Statesman for Governor
“Common Sense” plans to revitalize our State
Endorsed by: Georgia Conservative voters association
Phone: 404-388-7471
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Marc Alan Urbach
Twitter: @Urbach4G
Author: BELIEVE, Do We Need A Third Great Awakening?
CSN, Common Sense News, LLC.
Owner/Lead Reporter