God Says: “I Have Made You An Elite Soldier!” by Julie Giordano, Cleveland, TN

Do you sense that you were made for war? Do you earnestly desire to follow God’s end-time strategies? If so, I heard the Lord speak this encouraging word for you:
“When you consider everything you were born for, everything you have endured, and everything you have encountered, know that I have equipped you and prepared you for this moment in time.
My Navy SEALs
“You have been called to the front of the line; to lead the way and plow new territory. You have been assigned as a general in the Army of the Lord. You are a good soldier; My Navy SEAL.
“But once you get called up higher, honored, and celebrated, the party is over and the confetti is thrown away, because it is time for the ‘real training.’ All the endurance training you went through during your life has only qualified you to withstand the new heights.
“I’m releasing strategy that resembles military training. Once you enter into battle, and they see your strength and endurance, you will be advanced higher. After that, you will be recruited for elite special forces such as the spiritual Navy SEALs, Army Rangers or Intelligence Corps.
“Once you receive your specific training, you get to apply what you have learned. Then, more critical assignments are given to you.
Calling You Higher
“You have been called higher into new territory for training. The training is called ‘remnant training’ and your new assignment is called ‘end time!’ Are you up for it?
“You have been a good soldier. You’ve endured many trials, storms, and tragedies with a continual praise on your lips. You’ve endured the tears, blood and sweat; but you made it and gave God all the glory. I can trust you. Can you trust Me?
“This new level is different. There’s no turning back! In this new place:
- Your FAITH will be challenged.
- Your ENDURANCE will be challenged.
- Your HEART will be challenged.
- Your MIND will be challenged.
- Your BODY will be challenged.
- Your EYES will be challenged.
“And along this journey:
- The road will get hard; keep the faith.
- The road will get heated; keep the endurance.
- The road will have wounded soldiers; keep your heart.
- The road will be loud with cries of the broken; keep your mind.
- The road will get long and the terrain will be high, low, hot, cold, extreme, and intense; keep your body.
- The road will get hard; keep your eyes fixed on Me.
You Have Been Assigned My Elite Soldiers!
“Your pain has not gone unnoticed. Your journey has been a qualifying process for your assignment. You are stronger than you think you are. Here are some points of strategy that you need to know:
- I will teach you how to fight at this level, as you don’t know how.
- All your life thus far has qualified you.
- This is where I start fresh with you, having to start anew.
- I will teach you how to walk, talk, think, respond, fight, strategize, hear My voice, and war.
- New levels of faith unknown to your natural mind will be made available to you.
- New depths in the spirit will bring you into new praise, new worship, new warfare, new love, and new power.
“I have been storing them all up for this moment in time. I am ready to open the door to these storehouses for access. Are you committed?
“You were built and made for war. I will teach and train you how to be a warrior for souls with my end-time weapons. I am handing you the key. Arise and shine, for the glory of the Lord is upon you. I will transform you into My image. Tell My people that I have called a new strategy meeting.” (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Julie Giordano
Julie G Ministries
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.juliegministries.tv
Julie Giordano is the founder of Julie G Ministries and is a passionate woman of God who has served God faithfully in many difficult trials and tragedies throughout her life. Her message brings hope, healing, forgiveness, radical faith, and restoration. In her transparent style, Julie shares God’s Word, prophetic strategy, and personal experiences as she empowers women and young women to believe, embrace healing, and fulfill their destinies. Julie is currently working as Director of Ministries at Dwelling Place Church International (DPCI) in Cleveland, TN and travels internationally with Judy Jacobs. She has ministered in youth ministry for seventeen years and now serves as the Women’s Pastor at DPCI. She is also a mentor in Judy Jacobs’ International Institute of Mentoring and coordinates all annual conferences. Julie is honored to be the mother of three amazing children that have shaped and blessed her beyond measure.
everything you have listed about being made for i need your prayers not sure i’m going to make it so thought to ask just pray God knows but to be honest I feel like a calf starring at a new gate i understand God may deploy different strategies unlike anything i ever learned this is hard