Today’s world is filled with so much darkness; however, the Lord God said in the latter days darkness would cover the world. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord God destroys the enemy and then sets us high above the enemy (Psalm 118:5). He touches our lives with his Light, Love, and Mighty Power. His might overtakes every situation and we, his children, are blessed because he loves us enough to never leave us or forsake us, in spite of ourselves and because sometimes we do not deserve to be saved.
As children of the Most High God, it is our responsibility to encourage and bless others with our testimonies. Everyone has a testimony! The Lord God says we have been born to testify to the world Jesus Christ is born and is the Savior of the World (Acts 4:20).
These testimonies are evidence of God’s mighty power and love for his people. We thank you for sharing your testimony with us and know it will encourage others and increase people’s faith. The Lord God is real…Halleluiah and Amen!
If God did it for someone else, he will do it for you too! God bless you and your family for taking the time to encourage others with your testimony.
Michael Ortega
Leader, Strike Force of Prayer
Join Us In Thankfulness For These Testimonies!
Prayers for WVa , Sen Joe Manchin
Manchin 'single-handedly saved the republic': Liebermanhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtCt01RAjV4
God answers prayer
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Appreciation for Purpose
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God protected and saved me from the enemy’s attack
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Hallelu-YAH AMEN
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The Lion of Judah
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Deeply Grateful
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Thankful for Strike Force of Prayer
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